Considering an automobile is a typical metaphor to use while thinking about your body and energy. It cannot move without gas, or energy, and the same is true of your body! It is not feasible to lose weight healthily if you deprive yourself and your body of the essential vitamins and nutrients it requires.
Garcia notes that "most people who skip meals will often overeat," debunking the notion that skipping meals aids in weight reduction. She continues by saying that although some people miss significant meals (such as breakfast and supper), many others will choose to follow difficult-to-maintain low-calorie diets.
Although keeping track of your caloric intake through calorie counting is a beneficial practice, it's important to remember not to deprive yourself of a regular supply of vital nutrients. To put it another way, take care not to go overboard!
Your body will actually slow down its metabolism and prevent weight loss if you severely restrict your calorie intake. According to Marsh, at that point, your body will enter a famine state and store fat.
It may be rather challenging to stay motivated when trying to lose weight over the long term, particularly if you aren't seeing results. Marsh says that it's preferable to start slowly and steadily, and that it's crucial to remind yourself that you can "lose 1-2 pounds per week," since this is a more realistic and achievable objective.
If you started dropping and “then it stalls, don't give up,” she advises, “your body just may be adjusting.” Losing weight and maintaining a lower weight are equally vital. Glass advises “form a healthy relationship with your body, food, and be guided by a professional if you want to sustain the positive changes over time” to reduce weight.