Mark Zuckerberg Has Made Billions Off of Your Phone Usage, Here's How You Can Make Money Simply Using Your Phone


Not to miss

This revolutionary phone lets owners generate money playing games, listening to music, and reading the news. Its creators recently made $50 million, which is 10% of their goal.

Mobile Revolution

Smartphones have transformed communication, employment, and entertainment. Recent surveys show that the typical individual uses their phone 3-4 hours every day.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook (now Meta Platforms, Inc.), has emerged as one of the most prominent figures in the tech world.

Mark Zuckerberg Empire

His firm controls Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, three of the most prominent social media networks. Over 3 billion individuals utilize these platforms.


How has Mark Zuckerberg gained billions from phone?

All about statistics and advertising. Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp continually collect your interests, activities, and preferences.


Advertisers seeking precise ad targeting will find this data invaluable. This data costs marketers to show adverts to consumers most likely to buy their goods or services.

Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms

Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms, Inc. is also researching the metaverse, a virtual reality area that potentially change how we engage with digital material and one other.

Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms

Smartphones are seeing their largest upheaval in 15 years. This enterprise offers $1,200 annual income.