7 Mint Leaf Side Effects

Heartburn/Acid reflux:

Mint leaves relax the lower esophageal sphincter, enabling stomach acid to seep back into the esophagus and worsen heartburn and acid reflux.

Allergic Reactions:

Mint leaf allergies may include itching, skin rashes, swelling, and trouble breathing. If you suspect a mint allergy, avoid mint items.

GI Distress:

Mint leaves may relax the gastrointestinal system, causing gastrointestinal irritation in certain people. Possible symptoms include gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

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Mint oil may ease headaches and migraines, but excessive usage or topical application may cause or worsen them.

Drug Interactions:

 Antacids, blood pressure drugs, and diabetic medications may interact with mint leaves. Before eating mint leaves, ask your doctor if you take any of these drugs.

Skin irritation:

In some people, applying concentrated mint oil to the skin causes irritation, burning, or redness. Mint oil must be diluted with a carrier oil before using topically.

Less Iron Absorption:

Mint leaves contain polyphenols that inhibit iron absorption. Iron-deficiency anemia and iron-rich diet users may be concerned.

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