7 Proteins to Add to Your Grocery List


Eggs are nature's nutrient. One big egg offers 6 grams of protein, plus other nutrients your body needs. They include B12, B6, A, choline, sodium, and potassium. Eggs include high-quality protein and low carbs, so they won't raise your blood sugar.


Salmon—or other fatty fish—is a fantastic way to get protein if you like seafood. A 3-ounce cooked salmon fillet offers 28 grams of protein and no carbs. Additionally, it provides essential minerals including calcium, salt, choline, retinol, vitamin B12, and selenium. 

Sirloin Steak

According to the USDA, a 4-ounce sirloin steak provides over 22 grams of protein and nutrients. Beef contains vitamin B12, calcium, potassium, and heme iron, which human systems absorb better than plant iron. Additionally, it is rich in phosphorus, niacin, magnesium, folate, and more.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese doesn't elevate blood sugar, hence the American Diabetes Association recommends it as a protein source. Cottage cheese mixes nicely with many fruits and vegetables and comes in various curd sizes and fat levels.

 Peanut Butter

Choose a peanut butter with only peanuts and salt to avoid sugar. Pair peanut butter with low-carb vegetables instead of white bread for prolonged energy and satisfaction. Peanut butter-dipped carrots and celery are always a hit.

 Chicken Drumsticks

Try chicken drumsticks instead of breasts, which may be bland. Dark meat drumsticks are delicious and include 25 grams of protein per cooked. Chicken provides all needed amino acids, which our bodies cannot produce.

Mixed Nuts

Even peanuts, which we name nuts but are legumes, are high in protein. According to Nutrients study, nuts like pistachios, walnuts, pecans, and others can help you feel full and stabilize your blood sugar. One ounce of mixed nuts has 5 grams of protein. 

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