A wary Gov. Youngkin receives gun-control proposals from Virginia Democrats. (Part-1)

Richmond — Virginia's Democratic-controlled General Assembly is considering dozens of gun-related bills, including one to ban semi-automatic guns. How many measures would Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin veto?

Youngkin, a former private equity executive, spent his first two years in office with a GOP majority in the state House of Delegates that blocked Democratic gun bills. He campaigned on GOP firearms rhetoric but did not receive the National Rifle Association's endorsement.

The Youngkin press office stated he would consider each measure that arrives to his desk but did not explicitly answer queries about his positions on certain proposals. The administration's inaction has left all sides of the debate unclear of the conclusion.

"He basically said, 'If you're going to send me more gun control, I'm not going to be happy.'" But that's all we know," said grassroots gun-rights organization Virginia Citizens Defense League head Philip Van Cleave.

Democratic lawmakers, who cannot overturn a Youngkin veto, have sponsored scores of gun proposals this year, including one that would ban the importation, sale, manufacture, acquisition, or transfer of “assault firearms” created after July 1. The legislation would prevent under-21s from owning such a weapon and the sale of ammunition-feeding mechanisms that contain over 10 round

Opponents of the AR-15 sales ban have questioned its legality. Proponents say it would ban the sale of “weapons of war” and high-capacity magazines used in mass killings.

After a lengthy discussion in which one GOP member predicted a veto, the Senate passed the legislation on a party-line vote on Wednesday. Last week, a party-line House version passed.

Other gun-control proposals with Democratic support in the General Assembly include bans on assault weapons in public, plastic guns that can't be detected by metal detectors, and concealed carry bans for most people in restaurants and bars. Additional measures would penalize those who leave guns unattended and visible in a car and compel gun buyers to take a firearms safety course or “demonstrate competence” with a handgun.