Gov. Moore says Maryland is ‘leaving too much potential on the table’ in address (Part-1)

Baltimore, Maryland  – During his second State of the State speech on Wednesday, Maryland Governor Wes Moore noted that the state has limitless potential but is "leaving too much potential on the table" while he navigates difficult times with a vision for the future.

The speech maintained the governor's and others' narrative that the state, which is frequently seen as one of the wealthiest in the country due to its proximity to the nation's capital, has not been living up to its potential.

At the outset of his address, Moore—a Democrat—reflected on the last year as he assembled a new administration following the unusual two-term Republican governor in a state that leans largely Democratic. As the first Black chief executive of the state, the governor faced several obstacles in his first year in office. He had never held public office before.

The governor grinned and remarked, "We learned a lot of lessons, some hard lessons," which made the Democratically controlled General Assembly members in the House of Delegates chuckle. "However, it takes time to resolve significant issues. But let us be clear: something is changing, and our state is in a good position right now.

Efforts to decrease child poverty and boost jobs were stressed by the governor during his first year in office. Notable events in his first year were the selection of Maryland as the location for the new Federal Bureau of Investigations headquarters and the contentious talks that led to a new lease for Camden Yards with the Baltimore Orioles.

Efforts to make the state more business-friendly, raise the supply of affordable housing, and make the public safer were also highlighted by him.

Additionally, Moore hinted to a long-term strategy for the remainder of his first term, which he intends to outline on Thursday and which, according to him, incorporates feedback from all throughout Maryland.

Moore emphasized that the state strategy goes beyond just lofty goals. "The strategy we're going to provide will detail objectives that are precise, attainable, reasonable, and quantifiable.  Our citizens, the ones who elected us, have a hand in shaping these goals.

Moore highlighted the good aspects, such as the fact that the unemployment rate in the state has been low for five consecutive months. He went on to say that in 2023, the city of Baltimore had the fewest murders in a single year in over a decade.