The flavor of food may be improved by adding salt, which is a common condiment. Not only does it make food that is otherwise boring more interesting to eat, but it also supplies the body with salt, which is a vital mineral component.
Due to the fact that sodium is necessary for maintaining the fluid equilibrium of the body and is also needed for the operation of nerves and muscles, salt serves as a condiment that has dual functions.
Having an excessive amount of salt, on the other hand, is detrimental to the body since it raises the chance of developing high blood pressure and heart disease.
It goes without saying what iodized salt is. Iodized salt is the name given to salt that has had iodine added to it. Because of its status as a trace mineral, iodine is extremely rare and found in minute concentrations in just a few foods, including shellfish, dairy, eggs, and vegetables.
To treat goitre, table salt is supplemented with iodine, which is not produced by the body and is only present in traces in meals. Iodine helps the thyroid gland generate hormones that repair tissue, control metabolism, and stimulate growth.
Iodized salt treats iodine deficiency. Many individuals started adding iodine to salt in the 1920s to prevent goitres. Iodized salt eliminated global iodine deficits rather well. Before the 1920s, 70% of children in some US regions had goitres. With iodized salt, most Americans are iodine adequate. To fulfill the daily necessary iodine intake of 3 grams, iodized salt is the quickest method to acquire it and prevent deficits.
For their nutrients, fortified foods are popular. Our bodies need trace iodine. A balanced diet of iodine-rich foods may suffice. Iodized salt helps vegans and some vegetarians receive enough iodine. Non-iodized salt includes sodium, which can cause hypertension, stroke, and other health problems. Iodized salt lasts five years, non-iodized indefinitely.
Both types of salt improve food flavor. Iodized salt is unnecessary if you eat enough seafood, dairy, and eggs, but if you're worried about iodine shortage, use it. Non-iodized salt should be consumed in moderation to avoid sodium excess.