The Best Fats for Fast Cholesterol Lowering

Olive Oil Lowers Cholesterol.

Olive oil lowers LDL cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol associated to blocked arteries and heart disease. Olive oil lowers total cholesterol and improves LDL cholesterol better than other plant oils, according to a 2019 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition study. 

Olive Oil Lowers Cholesterol.

Cardiologist Dr. Sarah Samaan told WebMD that substituting butter with olive oil can lower LDL cholesterol by 15%, like "a low dose of medication."

Avocado Oil Benefits Heart

Replace butter with avocado oil to decrease cholesterol, according to a Journal of Functional Foods research. It also showed that avocado oil might mitigate the effects of a saturated-fat breakfast.

Avocado Oil Benefits Heart

Disease Markers also examined how avocado oil lowers LDL cholesterol without changing HDL cholesterol. Avocado oil may reduce inflammation, which is excellent for the heart.

Consume Soybean Oil To Reduce Cholesterol

PLOS Medicine found that substituting saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats like soybean oil may reduce coronary heart disease risk. 

Consume Soybean Oil To Reduce Cholesterol

The study indicated that polyunsaturated fat consumption reduces coronary heart disease by 10%. Furthermore, Experimental and Clinical Cardiology discovered that polyunsaturated fatty acids may protect cardiovascular disease.

Reduce Cholesterol with Flaxseed Oil

You may have seen flaxseed oil tablets in the vitamin aisle of your local drug store, advertised as cholesterol-lowering vitamins.

Reduce Cholesterol with Flaxseed Oil

Not simply fancy marketing: The omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in flaxseed oil helps reduce inflammation. The Journal of Nutrition found that ALA can reduce vascular inflammation and enhance heart health.

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